Novice To Ace is a software application that packages an approach to learning.
Novice To Ace is essentially a tool that promotes learning because it enables better understanding and allows easy absorption (of a subject or topic) by allowing the user to interact and participate completely with the software.
It also allows the User an opportunity to explore the Topics at a comfortable pace freely without any fear of making mistakes.
Novice To Ace uses appropriate visuals, animations along with real-time User interactions and explanations, to explain CONCEPTS that form the core of the subject or topic.
Learning is a Process, and like any Process, the HOW matters more than the WHAT.
For any subject or topic, for clear, fast and optimum absorption, it’s the Process that primarily matters, rather than the details of the contents.
The details will have to be mastered, in any case, but the approach, the HOW, the CONCEPTS behind the details, are of primary importance.
CONCEPTS, once understood, can easily be applied to a wide variety of situations.
And this clarity and understanding of Concepts, is what is crucial to Learning, leading to optimal absorption.
How It Works
Using InterActive Mode (IA Mode)
Using Step By Step Mode (SBS Mode)
Installing Novice To Ace
Concepts are explained using visual components
Jack Rhodes - Manager
Simple, yet detailed, interface, Intuitive
John Smith - Intuitive
Shows animation between visual components
Susan Anthony - CEO
Step By Step, Interactive
Peter Jones - Interactive
Steps that explain Concepts clearly
John Smith - Intuitive
For positions of visual components Speed of animation
John Smith - Intuitive
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